Magento CE database diagram

Update: Here’s the new version of a Magento CE 2.1.3 database diagram.

Every now and then someone on the Internet asks for a Magento database diagram, like this question here on MagentoSE.

While there are a lot of cool resources out there (which are unfortunately a bit outdated), I created a new one.

This is the database diagram of a fresh CE installation.

Some statistics (because I love statistics):

  • Magento CE consists of 333 tables
  • 19 tables start with core_*
  • 47 tables start with sales_*
  • 84 tables start with catalog_*

How to read it & find stuff:

  • Catalog is on the very left (big yellow group)
  • Sales is on the very right (big blue group)
  • EAV and Core stuff is in the middle (the brown & orange groups)
  • Customer tables are in the middle/bottom (big green group)
  • The rest (salesrules, logs, reports, newsletter, tags, poll, etc.) is on the bottom

If you like it, go and upvote my answer on MagentoSE 😉

Have fun with it!

Magento CE database diagram

Link: Magento CE database diagram

Feedback on the diagram is welcome. Especially on some lonely tables that I moved to the best of my knowledge and belief into one of the groups.


10 Gedanken zu „Magento CE database diagram“

  1. Hallo Anna,

    mit welchem Tool hast du das Datenbankschema erstellt ?
    Hast du das Schema auch in einer größeren Auflösung ?

    Gruß Stephan

  2. Hi,
    Das Datenbankschema habe ich mit DbSchema erstellt. Noch größer hab ich’s leider nicht.
    Liebe Grüße,

  3. Excellent! thanks you very much!, would be very helpful, if you upload the file, for inspect the relation, but, thanks, is a awesome work.

  4. Amazing Work, I’ve been wanting and needing to do this for so long, thank you so much!

    Any chance I can get a copy of the source DBSchma file so I can build my own with my Extension tables?

    Thanks again for your hard work! I did upvote you BTW 🙂

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